Minggu, 03 Juli 2011

Cancer Prevention Strategies II

Lifestyle changes can fight cancer

Although a large number of people have not realized the power they have over their health, there is a positive shift that is taking place. People of all ages to become more aware of the impact of food and how much they move could have affected the risk of chronic diseases, like cancer, said Bender. This may seem difficult to switch from a sedentary and not think about what you eat and how much to focus on running a healthy life, but study after study has shown that good health (physically active, eating more plant foods and limit processed foods) to reduce the risk of cancer. "If people eat smart, stay slim and move more, we could prevent about 1 in 3 of some of the most common cancers," said Bender.

Move more to reduce your cancer risk

Many of the moves seem like something very easy and does not need to be considered when talking about cancer prevention, but many people who remain sedentary. Bender share some easy tips to increase activity in your daily routine

- Begin with a short path - even if it started with just 10 minutes a day. Finally, practice until 30 minutes from time to time.
- To switch the screen time (television or computer), set the alarm for 30 minutes. When it was 30 minutes, stand up and stretch, do some small jumps or movements for several minutes
- Perform stretches or sit-ups or jog in place while watching television (or even during the ads)
- Spend more time standing or doing something around the house or yard help limit sedentary time
- As soon as people move around, they are often found to move more easily and can lead to more activities again, Bender notes - and for the prevention of cancer, the more you move, the better. Recommendations from the AICR is to perform at least 30 minutes of activity every day is, to exercise up to 60 minutes a day.

to be continued.................

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