Recognize Cancer From Now

cancer has become the killer deadly to humans at this time, identify all the things about cancer that can be prevented with this deadly disease

Recognize Cancer From Now

cancer has become the killer deadly to humans at this time, identify all the things about cancer that can be prevented with this deadly disease

Recognize Cancer From Now

cancer has become the killer deadly to humans at this time, identify all the things about cancer that can be prevented with this deadly disease

Recognize Cancer From Now

cancer has become the killer deadly to humans at this time, identify all the things about cancer that can be prevented with this deadly disease

Recognize Cancer From Now

cancer has become the killer deadly to humans at this time, identify all the things about cancer that can be prevented with this deadly disease

Rabu, 27 Februari 2013

Symptoms of Early Prostate Cancer

Symptoms of Early Prostate Cancer- Cancer be frightening for everyone. Statistically threat ranks number one killer disease of all that exists. In Indonesia, a kind of tuberculosis infections or maternal deaths occurred are still dominant. However, looking at global trends, the threat of cancer should not be ignored.

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One type of cancer that shows increased prostate cancer is astounding. This type of cancer most often affects men in the West. However, the people of Asia, including Indonesia, still have to be vigilant. In Indonesia, prostate cancer patients showed an increase in 10 years.

Urologic surgeon, Prof. Dr. Rainy Umbas SpU PhD, said the elderly to be one of the risk factors. Therefore, men in the age period early inspection is recommended.

Experts senior medical oncology, University of Indonesia, Dr. Dr. Aru Wisaksono Sudoyo SpPD KHOM FACP, explaining the causes of prostate cancer to date is not certain. The researchers are still groping main factor. Until now, unhealthy lifestyles accused of being the trigger. It is caused by exposure to carcinogens which are cancer triggers.

"But the symptoms do not necessarily appear after the exposure. Prostate cancer is classified as having slow growth. His cell takes 15 to 20 years to develop," he said.

Umbas explains, some of the symptoms to look out for potentially indicate prostate cancer. That difficulty urinating or hold, a feeling of burning pain during urination, blood in the urine there, and erectile dysfunction or pain during ejaculation.

However, people who experience these symptoms are not necessarily positive for prostate cancer. Because similar symptoms could indicate health problems other than prostate cancer. "There is not a single sign of tumor ideal for prostate cancer," said Umbas.

Meanwhile according to Aru,  need further tests to be certain. A biopsy is still the only way to detect prostate cancer is the most precise. His method is to take a sample of cells from the prostate of patients to be tested in the laboratory. Ironically there is a misconception in the community that people tend to be afraid to biopsy the prostate.

Selasa, 26 Februari 2013

Whitish is Cervical Cancer Symptoms?

Whitish is Cervical Cancer Symptoms?-Keep in mind that it is whiteness is one symptom of cervical cancer, but most of the discharge is caused by infection with either fungal or bacterial. Associated with a given drug depends on the cause whitish course.

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The condition of abnormal vaginal discharge in the event of the following indications: smelling, greenish colored (normal nodes), and there is intense itching, heat and others. Should undergo early through Pap smears to detect cervical cancer early.

While mucus produced female reproductive organs can indeed increase production in line with the situation as follows:

- Before menstruation,

- After menstruation,

- When the fertile period,

- When aroused during sexual intercourse.

The tips of the best in preventive action is to keep the vagina moist so no.

- Get used to dry the genitals after urination,

- Do not get used to wearing pantyliner continuously,

- Note the direction of the hand while washing the vaginal area (preferably from the front backward),

- Note the cleanliness of the bathroom when you are in a public place.

Minggu, 24 Februari 2013

Cancer Village in China

Cancer Village in China-China's environmental ministry finally acknowledged the existence of the so-called "cancer villages" after years of public speculation about the impact of pollution in certain areas. For several years, cancer cases in some villages near the plant and contaminated waters have risen sharply.

However, China's Ministry of Environment report does not explicitly parse "cancer villages". This term has no technical definition and ministry report did not elaborate on it.

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The latest report from the Ministry of Environment entitled "Guard against the risk and control due to chemicals on the environment during the Five-Year 12 (2011-2015)". This report mentioned many harmful chemicals banned in many developed countries are still found in China. "Toxic chemicals have caused environmental emergencies related to water and air pollution," said the report.

The report recognizes that the chemical pose a long term risk to human health, made ​​an immediate impact on the so-called "cancer villages". "In fact there are some serious cases of cancer villages appear in their respective regions," the report said.

The media coverage of the so-called "cancer villages" have been rife. In 2009, a Chinese journalist published a map that identifies dozens of villages that seem to be affected by heavy pollution.

In 2007 the BBC visited the hamlet Shangba in southern China where one of the scientists who study the causes and effects of pollution in the village. He found high levels of toxic heavy metals in water and believe there is a direct relationship between cancer incidence and mining in the area.

Environmental lawyer, Wang Canfa, who manages environmental advocacy organizations in Beijing, said this is the first time the phrase "cancer villages" appears in the ministry document. He hoped that no follow-up after this.

Last month Beijing and several other cities shrouded in smog pollution that are considered hazardous by the World Health Organization. Pollution has fueled public anger over the years but no real action the government handle it.


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